Thursday, August 12, 2010

Cooperation in Pair Work

In this week’s lesson, Pn. Foziah started the class with the excitement of graduation event that had just recently passed. One advice from her was that to study well so that in the next two years, she would be able to see all of us graduating as well. Then, we were back to real business. This lesson’s task was to find a pair, which consisted of a male and female student so as to make the pairing balance. Then, each pair was given three topics based on the Primary school syllabus.
My given topics were Year 4- Looking Good, Year 5- Travel and Adventure and Year 6- I’m Proud to be Malaysian. What my pair and I needed to do was to find as many technology’s teaching aids as possible for example like songs, videos, flash cards, games, stories and so on. This task was given as a preparation for our assignments yet to come. So, here were some examples of software used to search for my assignments.

Through this task, I learnt that communication was vital in making sure that each of us understood what we had discussed and planned. Then, from there, cooperation with my partner took part. Cooperation was very important as it assisted us in guiding and helping each other. Without the spirit of cooperation, we would not be able to produce a good quality task and pass it up on time.

All in all, this task had taught me many things, not only finding for teaching aids but also in terms of the value of group work.

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